Portfolio Activity #1: Reflecting on Reflecting… My First Blog Post to Now Since I have the opportunity to implement a mathematics portfolio that reflects on various things that we have learned this year, I would like to start by sharing how about how much I have grown both personally and professionally from my first blog post back in September, and how utilizing reflective practices with Blogger has made me a more critical mathematics educator. In my first blog post, I set a variety of goals that I wanted to accomplish throughout the EDBE 8F83 course. This was one of the paragraphs I wrote in my initial blog post: “The main goal for this course is to gain valuable tools and resources that will help me teach mathematics at the I/S level. I am truly passionate about the topic of mathematics, and I want to find ways to share that passion with other students. I want to find ways that will help students in finding that connection between the theoretical mathematics they learn in ...